Friday, November 13, 2009

Things That Bug Me

We experienced several days of rain this week due to the after-effects of Tropical Storm Ida. Happily, there were no leaks through the roof and I was able to use the indoor time developing ideas for future posts.

Either because of the gloomy weather, or just because I needed to vent a little, a list emerged of things that have been bugging me. Here are a few of them -

Trashy People: Whether through laziness, rudeness, ignorance or just plain meanness too many people treat the world as their personal trashcan. I have spent too much time in too many campgrounds picking up litter. Mostly it is from fire-rings containing everything from plastic utensils to dirty diapers. Added to my dismay is the amount of trash I see along roadways. I have taken walks as far a five miles at a time in areas we stayed for supplies and to get exercise; it's a great way to get a true feel for the local land that would otherwise be missed in a vehicle. But no matter where I walk there are always too many bottles, cans and other debris spoiling the experience.

Wake up people! Be responsible and mature enough to take your garbage to a dumpster or keep it in your vehicle until you get home. Just don't leave it for me or the campground staff to deal with. There's a simple rule that every young Boy & Girl Scout knows: Leave your site cleaner than you found it.

The Professor Flame-O's: This is our endearing term for people who have no clue of how to properly light a campfire. I won't get into the basics of thermodynamics here, but let's just say dry tinder goes a long way in burning larger logs. Dousing the logs in copious amounts of lighter fluid IS NOT the answer!

Dangerous Drivers: This one makes me want to go off again about drivers in the Boston area, but I won't because I've written enough about that horrendous experience. It is only one example of too many dangerous drivers we have found everywhere.

Look people, if you want to act as if you own the road and the rules don't apply to you then buy the damn thing and I'll find another route. Otherwise, keep in mind that I am in a vehicle carrying 30 lbs. of LP and 80 gallons of gas. If you hit me there is a good chance a fireball of hellish proportions will arise. If you cut me off, there is also a chance that this six-and-a-half ton rig could end up making your fancy sports car look like a flattened soft-drink can.

The Number Of Times Paula Dean Says Y'all: I have lived in the South, have relatives residing in the South, spent a great deal of time visiting areas in the South and can say I honestly know Southern people. While the word y'all is part of the Southern language, it is not used in every sentence!
I'll give Paula her dues; she is a great cook that has built an impressive empire. I just wish she would develop a broader vocabulary. And that's all I have to say about that, y'all. I feel better.

copyright 2009 Lane A Geyer
photo by Deb

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